Corner Connector 060ES – What is it?

The Corner Connector made with 060ES material was recently engineered and added to the lineup of available BFM® fitting flexible connectors. Uniquely shaped, it’s a BFM® sleeve worth digging into to see if it’s an appropriate sleeve for your drainage needs.

Coner Connector 060ES - July Blog

Unique Design Features

As you know, a standard BFM® fitting sleeve is typically use in vertical installations. With an opening at the top and at the bottom, the cylinder helps keep product contained. The difference with this corner connector design is that it is laminated multiple times to create a corner turn. This offers containment at an elbow, which you will not see with other designs.


Another feature that sets this BFM® fitting apart is the use of the 060ES material. This 060ES material specifically utilizes a clear ether-based thermoplastic polyurethane with an internal polyester scrim. This provides additional product strength, ideal for use in high-pressure situations.


Corner Connectors are ideal for unique applications where drainage is required. Clean-in-place wash processes utilize Corner Connectors. They can replace drainage pipes underneath sieves and sifters.

Standard drainage pipes are difficult to remove and heavy, whereas replacing it with the Corner Connector 060ES is lighter, allows for visibility, and in this case, integrates the durable 060ES material.

Design Assistance

These sleeves are offered in standard sizes, but for best results, consult with a PSI expert to ensure the proper fit of your Corner Connector 060ES. If you’re ready to discuss this as an application, please fill out the form below. 

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